
A Node is the smallest building block. Each Node (in TypeScript, commonly extending BaseNode) has three main method overrides (all optional):

  1. prepAsync(sharedState)
  2. A reliable step for preprocessing data from the sharedState.
  3. Examples: query a DB, read files, or serialize data into a string.
  4. Returns prepResult, which is passed to execAsync() and postAsync().

  5. execAsync(prepResult)

  6. The main execution step, with optional retries and error handling configured in the node's options.
  7. Examples: primarily for LLM calls, but can also be used for remote APIs.
  8. Note: If retries are enabled, ensure an idempotent implementation.
  9. Important: This method should not write to sharedState. If you need data from sharedState, gather it in prepAsync() and pass it along as prepResult.
  10. Returns execResult, which is passed to postAsync().

  11. postAsync(sharedState, prepResult, execResult)

  12. A reliable postprocessing step to write results back to the sharedState and decide the next Action.
  13. Examples: update DB, change states, log results, decide next Action.
  14. Returns a string specifying the next Action (e.g. "default" if none is specified).

Not all Nodes need all three steps. You could implement only prepAsync() if you just need to prepare data without calling an LLM.
{: .note }

Fault Tolerance & Retries

Nodes can retry execAsync() if it throws an exception. You configure this by passing options (e.g., maxRetries, wait) to the constructor (or use a property). For instance:

const myNode = new SummarizeFile({ maxRetries: 3, wait: 10 });

This means: - maxRetries = 3: Up to 3 attempts total.
- wait = 10: Wait 10 seconds before each retry.

When an exception occurs in execAsync(), the Node automatically retries until: - It either succeeds, or
- The Node has retried maxRetries - 1 times already and fails on the last attempt.

Graceful Fallback

If you want to handle errors gracefully instead of throwing, override:

public async execFallbackAsync(
  sharedState: any,
  prepResult: any,
  error: Error
): Promise<any> {
  throw error; // Default just rethrows

By default, it rethrows the exception. But you can return a fallback result instead, which becomes the execResult passed to postAsync().

Example: Summarize a File

Below is a Node that reads file content from sharedState, calls an LLM to summarize it, and saves the result back:

import { BaseNode, DEFAULT_ACTION } from "../src/pocket";
import { callLLM } from "../path/to/your/llm-wrapper";

export class SummarizeFile extends BaseNode {
  // constructor to accept node config (like maxRetries)
  constructor(private config?: { maxRetries?: number; wait?: number }) {

  // prepAsync: read data from sharedState
  public async prepAsync(sharedState: any): Promise<string> {
    const filename = this.params["filename"] as string;
    const fileContent =[filename];
    return fileContent ?? "";

  // execAsync: make the LLM call with the prepared file content
  public async execAsync(fileContent: string): Promise<string> {
    if (!fileContent) {
      throw new Error("Empty file content!");
    const prompt = `Summarize this text in ~10 words:\n${fileContent}`;
    const summary = await callLLM(prompt); // might fail
    return summary;

  // execFallbackAsync: provide a default summary if there's an error
  public async execFallbackAsync(
    sharedState: any,
    prepResult: string,
    err: Error
  ): Promise<string> {
    console.error("LLM call failed:", err);
    return "There was an error processing your request.";

  // postAsync: store the result in sharedState and return "default"
  public async postAsync(sharedState: any, prepResult: string, execResult: string): Promise<string> {
    const filename = this.params["filename"] as string;
    if (!sharedState.summary) {
      sharedState.summary = {};
    sharedState.summary[filename] = execResult;
    return DEFAULT_ACTION; // or just "default"

// Example usage:
const summarizeNode = new SummarizeFile({ maxRetries: 3, wait: 10 });
summarizeNode.setParams({ filename: "test_file.txt" });

// Prepare a shared state with data
const shared: any = {
  data: {
    "test_file.txt": "Once upon a time in a faraway land...",

// node.runAsync(...) calls prepAsync->execAsync->postAsync
// If execAsync() fails repeatedly, it calls execFallbackAsync() before postAsync().
summarizeNode.runAsync(shared).then((actionReturned) => {
  console.log("Action returned:", actionReturned);  // Usually "default"
  console.log("Summary stored:", shared.summary?.["test_file.txt"]);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Node execution error:", error);


  1. prepAsync(sharedState) grabs the file content from[filename].
  2. execAsync(prepResult) calls an LLM to summarize the text.
  3. Any error triggers retry logic. If all retries fail, execFallbackAsync() is called, returning a fallback value.
  4. Finally, postAsync(sharedState, prepResult, execResult) writes the summary to sharedState.summary and returns "default" so the flow can continue.


In your pocket.ts framework, each Node inherits from BaseNode and may implement:

  • prepAsync(): Gather/parse data from sharedState.
  • execAsync() (with optional retry logic): Execute the main logic, frequently an LLM call.
  • execFallbackAsync(): Provide a fallback result if execAsync() fails too many times.
  • postAsync(): Write results back to sharedState, decide next Action.

This approach keeps your code organized while ensuring reliability, retryability, and a clear separation of concerns.