RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)
When building LLM applications that answer questions from a corpus of documents, you often need to:
1. Embed your documents and create a search index.
2. Retrieve relevant sections at query time.
3. Augment the LLM prompt with the retrieved context.
Below is a two-Node flow in TypeScript that builds an embedding index and answers questions via a retrieval step.
import { BaseNode, Flow, DEFAULT_ACTION } from "../src/pocket";
* Placeholder for your embedding + index building code.
* In a real scenario, you'd call a vector DB or embedding service.
async function getEmbedding(text: string): Promise<Float32Array> {
// Return a 768-D or 1536-D embedding from a service or local model
// Here we just fake it by returning a vector of length = text.length
return new Float32Array(text.length).fill(0.5);
function createIndex(embeddings: Float32Array[]): any {
// Build or store the index in memory or an external DB
// Return an index object for subsequent searches
return { someIndexObject: true };
function searchIndex(index: any, queryEmbedding: Float32Array, topK: number): [Array<[number, number]>, any] {
// This function should return indices of the most relevant documents
// and potentially their scores. For demonstration, we'll assume it always returns
// an index of 0 with a dummy similarity score.
return [[[0, 0.99]], null];
* Placeholder for an LLM call. Replace with your actual logic, e.g. OpenAI chat API.
async function callLLM(prompt: string): Promise<string> {
return `Answer to: ${prompt.substring(0, 60)}...`;
* Step 1: PrepareEmbeddingsNode
* - Gathers the corpus from sharedState["texts"]
* - Creates embeddings
* - Builds a search index and stores it in sharedState["search_index"]
export class PrepareEmbeddingsNode extends BaseNode {
public async prepAsync(sharedState: any): Promise<string[]> {
if (!Array.isArray(sharedState.texts)) {
throw new Error("sharedState.texts must be an array of strings");
return sharedState.texts;
public async execAsync(texts: string[]): Promise<any> {
// Compute embeddings for each text
const embeddings: Float32Array[] = [];
for (let text of texts) {
const emb = await getEmbedding(text);
// Create an index from these embeddings
const index = createIndex(embeddings);
return index;
public async postAsync(sharedState: any, prepResult: string[], execResult: any): Promise<string> {
// Store the search index
sharedState.search_index = execResult;
* Step 2: AnswerQuestionNode
* - Reads a question from the user or a passed-in param
* - Searches the index for the most relevant text
* - Calls the LLM with the question + relevant text to get an answer
* - Outputs the answer
export class AnswerQuestionNode extends BaseNode {
public async prepAsync(sharedState: any): Promise<{ question: string; relevantText: string }> {
// For a real UI, you might read from the console or an API param
const question = this.params["question"] ?? "How does Node.js handle concurrency?";
// Get embedding for this question
const questionEmbedding = await getEmbedding(question);
// Search the existing index
if (!sharedState.search_index) {
throw new Error("No search index found in sharedState");
const [results] = searchIndex(sharedState.search_index, questionEmbedding, 1);
// results might look like: [[docIndex, similarityScore], ...], pick the top one
const docIndex = results[0][0]; // The top doc index
const relevantText = sharedState.texts?.[docIndex] ?? "";
return { question, relevantText };
public async execAsync({ question, relevantText }: { question: string; relevantText: string }): Promise<string> {
const prompt = `Question: ${question}\nContext: ${relevantText}\nAnswer: `;
return await callLLM(prompt);
public async postAsync(sharedState: any, prepResult: any, execResult: string): Promise<string> {
console.log(`Answer: ${execResult}`);
// In a real scenario, you might store the answer in sharedState or return a next Action
return DEFAULT_ACTION; // Flow ends or continues
* Example usage:
(async () => {
const shared: any = {
texts: [
"Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.",
"TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types, improving developer productivity.",
"Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) helps LLMs ground responses in real sources."
// Create the nodes
const prepNode = new PrepareEmbeddingsNode();
const answerNode = new AnswerQuestionNode();
// Connect them
prepNode.addSuccessor(answerNode, "default");
// Build the Flow
const flow = new Flow(prepNode);
// Optionally set the question as a param for answerNode
answerNode.setParams({ question: "What is Node.js concurrency model?" });
// Run the flow
await flow.runAsync(shared);
- PrepareEmbeddingsNode:
- Reads an array of texts from
. -
Computes embeddings and stores them in a new
. -
- Retrieves a question from
. - Embeds the question, searches the index, fetches the top relevant text.
- Calls the LLM with a prompt containing both the question and the relevant text.
- Logs (or returns) the LLM's answer.
This RAG approach ensures answers are grounded in a known corpus of documents, improving relevance and trustworthiness.