Visualization and Debugging

We don't provide built-in visualization and debugging. Here are some minimal implementations that can serve as a starting point for your own tooling.

1. Visualization with Mermaid

This code recursively traverses the nested graph, assigns unique IDs to each node, and treats Flow nodes as subgraphs to generate Mermaid syntax for a hierarchical visualization.

import { BaseNode, Flow } from "../src/pocket";

export function buildMermaid(start: BaseNode | Flow): string {
    const ids = new Map<any, string>();
    const visited = new Set<any>();
    const lines: string[] = ["graph LR"];
    let counter = 1;

    function getId(node: any): string {
        if (!ids.has(node)) {
            ids.set(node, `N${counter++}`);
        return ids.get(node)!;

    function link(a: string, b: string): void {
        lines.push(`    ${a} --> ${b}`);

    function walk(node: any, parent?: string): void {
        if (visited.has(node)) {
            if (parent) link(parent, getId(node));

        if (node instanceof Flow) {
            if (node.start && parent) {
                link(parent, getId(node.start));
            lines.push(`\n    subgraph sub_flow_${getId(node)}[${}]`);
            if (node.start) {
            for (const nxt of node.successors.values()) {
                if (node.start) {
                    walk(nxt, getId(node.start));
                } else if (parent) {
                    link(parent, getId(nxt));
                } else {
            lines.push("    end\n");
        } else {
            const nodeId = getId(node);
            lines.push(`    ${nodeId}["${}"]`);
            if (parent) link(parent, nodeId);
            for (const nxt of node.successors.values()) {
                walk(nxt, nodeId);

    return lines.join("\n");

2. Call Stack Debugging

Here's a utility to help debug the execution flow of nodes by tracking the call stack:

import { BaseNode } from "../src/pocket";

export function getNodeCallStack(): string[] {
    const stack = new Error().stack?.split("\n").slice(1) || [];
    const nodeNames: string[] = [];
    const seenIds = new Set<number>();

    for (const line of stack) {
        const match = line.match(/at (\w+)\.(prep|exec|post)/);
        if (match) {
            const className = match[1];
            if (!seenIds.has(nodeNames.length)) {

    return nodeNames;

Example usage:

class DataPrepBatchNode extends BaseNode {
    async prepAsync(shared: any): Promise<void> { return; }
class ValidateDataNode extends BaseNode {}
class FeatureExtractionNode extends BaseNode {}
class TrainModelNode extends BaseNode {}
class EvaluateModelNode extends BaseNode {
    async prepAsync(shared: any): Promise<void> {
        const stack = getNodeCallStack();
        console.log("Call stack:", stack);
class ModelFlow extends Flow {}
class DataScienceFlow extends Flow {}

// Build the flow
const featureNode = new FeatureExtractionNode();
const trainNode = new TrainModelNode();
const evaluateNode = new EvaluateModelNode();

featureNode.addSuccessor(trainNode, "default");
trainNode.addSuccessor(evaluateNode, "default");

const modelFlow = new ModelFlow(featureNode);

const dataPrepNode = new DataPrepBatchNode();
const validateNode = new ValidateDataNode();

dataPrepNode.addSuccessor(validateNode, "default");
validateNode.addSuccessor(modelFlow, "default");

const dataScienceFlow = new DataScienceFlow(dataPrepNode);

// Run the flow{});

This will output a visualization like:

graph LR
    subgraph sub_flow_N1[DataScienceFlow]
    N2 --> N3
    N3 --> N4

    subgraph sub_flow_N5[ModelFlow]
    N4 --> N6
    N6 --> N7


And when running the flow, you'll see the call stack output showing the execution path through your nodes.